Dear Friend,
Imagine being surrounded by thousands of hungry people and all you have to share with them is what’s been given to you: a handful of dinner rolls and a couple fish. Now imagine that simple meal being more than enough to feed everyone. Sounds impossible, right, like it’s too good to be true?
There is an economy where scarcity becomes abundance, where a God of compassion receives a little boy’s lunch and multiplies it so that everyone eats. I don’t know about you, but I need to keep reminding myself of that. It’s too important to forget.
When Jesus fed the multitudes — something he did on more than one occasion — he wasn’t showing off. He was showing up, revealing God’s love to a hurting, broken world.
Love figures out how to make the impossible possible. It takes what’s available and responds, meeting real needs in tangible ways. That’s what love does.
For almost ninety-five years, Neighborhood House has been serving the community with this story in mind. It has inspired our work and informed our decision making. It has also kept us tethered to something we couldn’t live without: hope.
As an organization, we have faced all sorts of challenges — financial setbacks, leadership transitions, a global pandemic. We’ve felt the uncertainty that comes when resources are lacking and change is constant. And through it all, hope has carried us along — hope that with God all things are possible and that, together, we can positively impact those who live with less.
The truth is, we are stronger together. From the Early Learning Center to Family Services to Youth Development, the transformational programs we provide are carried out every single day by our dedicated staff and volunteers. But they are funded by generous donors who understand that we can’t create positive change on our own.
That’s why I am asking you to make a donation to Neighborhood House. Partner with us as we work to prevent foreclosures and homelessness. Give so that we can continue to empower low to moderate income individuals and families.
Every gift makes a difference, no matter the dollar amount. Whether you can give $5 or $5,000, your donation has an immediate impact.
Week in and week out, our community counts on us to provide essential services, and we
count on your support to fund that work.
I started this letter by asking you to imagine feeding thousands with little more than a bag lunch. Well, those thousands are right outside our front door. And each one has her own hopes and dreams, needs that often go much deeper than hunger.
I hope you’ll give today, knowing what your generosity makes possible.

Ms. Alison Windle,
Executive Director
P.S. Thank you for never giving up hope that, together, we can create positive change in our community. It’s happening every day, and we couldn’t do it without your help!