We're here to help you experience greater levels of self-sufficiency, personal effectiveness, and success. ​

We help you chart a course toward greater self-awareness, self-sufficiency, and success.

We partner with you to overcome the obstacles that may be standing in your way, so that you can achieve your goals.

We work together to create better outcomes for everyone, strengthening our homes and communities in the process.
Designed to assist families and individuals in crisis, helping them meet their immediate basic needs for food, clothing, heat, electricity, diapers, school supplies, and co-pays.
Our Housing Counseling team offers a full range of services, including foreclosure prevention, to those looking to stay in their existing homes or buy new ones. Through guidance, education, and support, our goal is to help as many people as we can purchase, rent, and maintain affordable housing. Learn more >>
We are impacting children’s lives (ages 5-18) by providing year-round dynamic, comprehensive and sustainable programs. Our licensed, school-age components are designed to support academic proficiency in a nurturing environment, where respect for self and others is paramount. Learn more >>
The fully-licensed Early Learning Center provides high quality early care and education to children from birth through age three. In addition, through the partnership with New Directions Early Head Start, ongoing family engagement and support are provided to each family by family support specialists who are embedded into the program. Learn more >>